Creating Objects and Materials in Unity

Objects in a Unity scene can be created easily in two ways. For this article I’ll be using a cube for the examples.
The first method is via the menu bar at the via GameObject/3D Object/Cube

The second is by right-clicking in the Hierarchy panel.

Next, you will want to create a material for your object. For this example, we’ll keep it simple and create a material with just albedo, or reflected light, color defined.
First, create a folder for your materials in the Project panel.

Materials can be created through the same processes as objects, through the menu bar in Assets/Create/Material or by right-clicking in the Project Pane, in this case on the newly created Materials folder.

When you create your material name it ‘Cube_mat’. As a side-note, the ending, ‘_mat’, is a standard that indicates the item is a material. It makes it easier to search for materials in a project if they all have something similar in their names and ‘mat’ has become the ‘thing’ to search for with materials. This practice can be applied to other categories of items within your project as well.
Next, change the color of your material. You can do this with the color-picker that pops up when you click on the color box for Albedo in the material description in the Inspector panel.

You then apply your new material to your object by either dragging it onto the object itself or to its representative entry in the Hierarchy panel.

It’s a very simple process for applying color and texture to your game objects.